Diet, Weight Loss & Nutrition

The #1 Master Tip to Help with Weight Loss

Dr. Ryan Shelton Headshot
By Dr. Ryan Shelton, NMD

Want to know the number one tip to help with weight loss? It’s actually really quite simple – eat breakfast.

Master Tip to Help with Weight Loss

fried egg in an iron pan on a wooden table with broken egg shells and pieces of bread next to it

Multiple studies across the world have shown that eating breakfast, particularly a breakfast high in protein and fat that provides calories in the morning hours, can help with substantial long-term weight loss. Conversely, people who skip breakfast have been shown to be more likely to gain weight over time. And the reason for this is quite simple: If you skip breakfast, you’re more likely to eat more later in the day. You’re also more likely to have a larger dinner, which is directly associated with weight gain.

Eating calories at breakfast might seem counter-intuitive to weight loss, but studies have shown this to be effective. When you eat breakfast, it affects the hormones ghrelin and adiponectin that help you lose weight.

woman wearing a pair of oversized jeans and holding the waistband to show size

So, the number one master tip to help with weight loss is: Don’t skip breakfast. Eat breakfast every morning, and in fact, let breakfast be the largest meal of your day. You can have light lunches, and then make dinner your smallest meal of the day.



Dr Ryan SheltonThanks so much. I’ve posted several other videos. Make sure that you check them out and make sure that you like it, share with your friends and loved ones. 

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Thanks so much. I’m doctor Ryan Shelton.

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By Dr. Ryan Shelton

Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.D.
Zenith Labs®



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