Diabetes & Blood Sugar

4 Forgotten Master Herbs That Will Control Your Blood Sugar (WORKS FAST!)

Dr. Ryan Shelton Headshot
By Dr. Ryan Shelton, NMD

The natural world holds many secrets that can help our health and well-being. We’re about to uncover four fantastic herbs from the Ayurvedic form of medicine. These master herbs can help to regulate your blood sugar, help with diabetes, and help control some of the chronic issues that high blood sugar and low blood sugar can cause.

Four Master Herbs For Blood Sugar Control

Ayurvedic medicine is from East India and it has been in practice for thousands of years. The interesting thing is that some of the symptoms that they were recognizing thousands of years ago, we now know to be blood sugar dysregulation problems or diabetes. They used these four powerful herbs to treat the symptoms, and science has now come full circle to show that yes indeed, these four herbs are master herbs at helping control blood sugar levels and diabetes.

master herb Gymnema sylvestre for regulating blood sugar and diabetes

The first one is Gymnema. It’s been shown to be effective in diabetes and metabolic syndrome. It reduces blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C levels. Gymnema has components called “tritopine”, which may actually increase beta cell growth in the pancreas. The beta cells are the specific cells in the pancreas that help your body produce insulin and regulate blood sugar. Thus, tritopine could help stimulate beta cell growth and regulate blood sugar levels.


master herb Ashwagandha for regulating blood sugar and diabetes

The next herb is Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha has been shown to be effective for diabetes and been found to be similar to drug medications that help decrease blood sugar. A fantastic herb, it also helps with adrenal glands, stress, and thyroid issues.



master herb Holy Basil for regulating blood sugar and diabetes

Third on the list is Holy Basil. Holy basil has been found to reduce blood sugar by somewhere between 15 to 17 percent, and hemoglobin A1C by 18 percent. It also helps with symptoms of stress and anxiety. Additionally, holy basil improves beta cell stimulation in the pancreas and helps the pancreas secrete insulin.



master herb Fenugreek Seed for regulating blood sugar and diabetes

The fourth and final herb on the list is Fenugreek. Fenugreek seeds improve all measures of blood sugar. It helps lower blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C levels.

Taken together, these four Ayurvedic herbs are just as powerful as they have been for thousands of years.




Dr Ryan Shelton

Again, my name is Dr. Ryan Shelton, I believe in the original meaning of the word doctor, docere, which means teacher.

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Thanks so much. Have a great day.


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By Dr. Ryan Shelton

Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.D.
Zenith Labs®



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