Diet, Weight Loss & Nutrition

The Ugly Truth About Longevity And Conventional Medicine

Dr. Ryan Shelton Headshot
By Dr. Ryan Shelton, NMD

ugly truth in letterpress type on wooden blocksWe’ll be exploring the ugly truth between longevity and modern conventional medicine. Historically, longevity has been defined by something called Vital Statistics, which is run by the CDC every year in the United States. It takes into account things like death rate, infant mortality and life expectancy. Modern medicine has increased life expectancy to about 78.6 years. However, the situation has changed. The most recent report by the CDC shows that the deadliest and most common killers of Americans include heart disease, cancer, accidents, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, pneumonia, kidney disease, and suicide.

aged man holding an hourglassWhen we look at longevity, it’s a mathematical process where we look at infant mortality and life expectancy over time. Modern conventional medicine has done a fantastic job on improving infant mortality and decreasing infections. These used to be the number one killers, but through improved infant care, better maternal care, the development of antibiotics and vaccines, we were able to improve mortality rates. But, again, the conditions have changed. Diseases and the afflicted are not reducing in numbers, they’re only changing in type.

So it’s no longer infant mortality and infection that is skewing longevity and the length of life, but the chronic diseases that now affect us all that are the major cause of death.

Modern Medicine vs. Longevity

modern doctor pressing a high tech glass computer interfaceModern medicine is mostly about control and palliation. It is a reactive type of medicine, not focused on being proactive and preventative. And that’s the ugly truth – that it’s a reactive approach to health. They wait for the disease to come about and then they react to it. It’s not focused on being proactive and preventative. In the case of most other medical care, it’s mainly about control, slowing the advance, reducing distress, minimizing disability, and prolonging death, which are all noble causes, but it’s different than promoting quality of life and improving longevity in beneficial ways.

Longevity is more about the quality and prevention of chronic disease.

old couple jumping in the air at the beachLongevity is bigger than just medicine itself. It’s health promotion, education activities with clean water, nutritious food, clean and disaster-free habitation, proper sanitation, control of pollution, poverty alleviation, empowerment of the deprived and disadvantaged, and lifestyle modifications. It includes a change in world view or a paradigm shift for most physicians. Wellbeing implies the presence of positive emotions and the absence of negative emotions, mature character traits, including self-directedness, cooperating with others, self-transcendence, self-satisfaction, and quality of life. Character strengths and virtues, such as hope, compassion, and courage, are all now measurable by scales.

longevity activator supplement by zenith labsSo this means that conventional medicine needs to have a paradigm shift away from control and palliation to prevention and cure. We’ve developed a masterclass which focuses on longevity, and we use the five pillars of health, diet and nutrition, exercise, balancing hormones, detox, and mind-body relationship. We’ve also developed a supplement called Longevity Activator, which actually helps to transform your genes and the pathway that you take in longevity to provide a better quality of life.


Dr Ryan SheltonSo, again, this involves a paradigm shift looking more on prevention being proactive and looking towards cures.

Be sure to check out my other videos. I’ve made some on high blood pressure, diabetes. Give us your feedback and ideas. I always want to hear what you’re interested about, so I can help educate you on health and wellness.

Thanks so much for joining me. Again, my name is Dr. Ryan Shelton.

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By Dr. Ryan Shelton

Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.D.
Zenith Labs®



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