Did you know that nearly 90% of your immune system resides in the gut? We believe that all health begins in the gut. What you put in your gut and how your gut receives it influences the rest of the body. Probiotics are powerful organisms that can help you build better gut health. Let’s explore the relationship between probiotics, gut health, and the rest of your health.
What are probiotics and what do they do?
Probiotics are fascinating organisms. They are all over us on our skin and our hair, but they mostly reside in the gut. They release substances and chemicals that help to inform your intestinal cells to better absorb food and to inform your immune system to better protect yourself against the bad guys.
The gut is also known as “the second brain”. There are so many nerve connections between the gut and the brain, and more serotonin is actually produced in the gut compared to the brain! Probiotics help to influence nerve tissue to feedback to the brain and help with things like depression and anxiety. They also inform the intestinal cells’ information to then release hormones, telling both the brain and adipose (or fat tissue) to help you lose weight. Probiotics can be effective for obesity, diabetes, gut health, brain health, regulating moods, and immune health.
Did you know that probiotic bacteria outnumber human cells by 10 to one in the human body?
Eat probiotics for better health
When healthy types of bacteria are growing in and on you, you have healthy skin, better moods, and improved digestion. Unhealthy bacteria growing in and on you causes a number of problems and health conditions. After you’re born, the only way you can really get in probiotics is either through eating fermented food or taking a probiotic supplement. Taking antibiotics not only kills off the bad bacteria, it also kills off the good bacteria, and that’s a problem. Once the good guys are killed, it opens up the door for the bad guys to grow and flourish, which can cause problems for you.
Probiotics can take years to replenish in your system if you’ve had health conditions, or if you’ve taken antibiotics in the past. Fermented foods like kefir, yogurt, probiotic capsules, sauerkraut, kombucha, miso, tempeh, ceviche, and saltwater pickles are a great source of probiotics. If you don’t like those foods, then you can take a probiotic supplement. At least every culture in the world has their most preferred type of fermented food, and they typically take it every day.
Most bacteria in the soil is healthy and good, or else the plants that we depend upon so much wouldn’t grow. However, our modern world of sterility and pesticides causes the soil to have a weird composition, and we don’t get the healthy bacteria that we need from the earth. Studies have also shown that rural kids who live on farms and have their hands in untainted soil have totally different types of immune systems than kids that live in cities. Hence, we need to supplement our daily diet with probiotics.
There are thousands of different types of species of probiotics. We’ve worked with researchers to help develop a probiotic supplement, called “Probiotic T50”. It contains a whopping 50 billion organisms of 11 different strains of probiotics. If you take a look at the supplements in your local pharmacy or local health food store, you’ll find that most products contain far fewer organisms — maybe 5 to 10 billion. It’s important to read your labels. Most of the time, it’s usually just a single strain of lactobacillus coupled in with bifidobacterium. Probiotic T50 contains several strains of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Streptococcus Thermophilus.
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Again, my purpose is to help educate you on how to take good care of yourself to achieve optimal health and wellness.
Thanks so much. I’m Dr. Ryan Shelton.