High blood pressure is one of the most silent, deadliest killers that afflicts modern society. If you struggle with high blood pressure, read on to learn about the best foods to eat for high blood pressure.
Patients on high blood pressure medications may experience side effects such as coughs, headaches, and erectile dysfunction. Controlling your diet could help control your blood pressure naturally.
High Blood Pressure Diets
In the early 90s, researchers, physicians, and scientists wanted to know what type of diet contributed to high blood pressure and what kind of diet could reverse high blood pressure. After all, no one really wants to be on medications that can cause dangerous side effects. So, they developed something called the DASH diet: Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Originally, the DASH diet was thought to be an effective diet for high blood pressure because of low sodium or low salt intake. Now, we know that the DASH diet is actually helpful because it’s high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean meats, and low in fat dairy products and fatty meats (which are contributors to high blood pressure). Processed foods are also not allowed on the DASH diet.
Other diets have shown similar results for helping with high blood pressure. For example, the Mediterranean Diet, which is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, seafoods and berries. We looked at both the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet to see what they had in common to be able to develop the best diet for reversing/resolving high blood pressure. It came down to something called the “dietary inflammatory index”, which promotes inflammation that we have to curb if we want to reduce high blood pressure.
Here’s what all these diets had in common: They were high in potassium, magnesium, and the essential fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-7, and Omega-9. You should try to include these components in your high blood pressure diet.
The Best Diet and Foods to Reduce High Blood Pressure
If you want to reduce high blood pressure through the foods you eat and your general diet, here are some tips that you should follow daily.
What you should eat:
- 4-6 servings of fruits and vegetables. Beets, sweet potatoes, bananas, and avocados are especially important because they are high in potassium and magnesium.
- 4-6 servings of legumes or beans.
- 1-2 servings of nuts and seeds.
- 2-3 servings of seafood or healthy fish with omega-3 fatty acids.
- Include coronary herbs to your meals. These include garlic, ginger, oregano, thyme, and rosemary.
What you shouldn’t eat:
- Restrict yeast products and baked goods.
- Eliminate all processed foods. These tend to be high in sodium and salt.
- Limit fatty meats to 2-3 times a week. Try to incorporate more lean meats such as poultry and grass-fed beef or seafood into your diet.
Changing your diet can help you manage your high blood pressure better, and even come off medications that cause terrible side effects.
There are a couple of supplements available that can help reduce blood pressure tremendously: BP Zone and Omega 3-7-9 + Krill fatty acid. You can reduce blood pressure a number of ways, but it all starts with your diet and using food as natural antidotes to your body’s ailments.
We want to know if you’re struggling with high blood pressure, how your diet impacts you, and what you’re using to manage your high blood pressure, so do write to us in the comments below. We’re on this journey with you.
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I believe in the original meaning of the word doctor, ‘docere’, which means teacher. I’m here to help educate you on how to take care of yourself in ways that you may not have heard of before, but that are effective. I always want to hear your ideas and feedback so be sure to leave me comments below!