Diabetes & Blood Sugar, Diet, Weight Loss & Nutrition

The #1 Master Tip To Lower Blood Sugar (EASY DRINK!)

Dr. Ryan Shelton Headshot
By Dr. Ryan Shelton, NMD

If you struggle with high blood pressure or high blood sugar, here’s a great recipe to help lower blood sugar and give you an energy boost. The ingredients are quite simple, and it only takes a couple of minutes to make!

Make This Smoothie To Lower Blood Sugar

For this recipe, we’ll be using lots of proteins, greens, and berries because all of those ingredients have been found to help lower blood sugar, have powerful antioxidant effects, and give you great energy.

The first ingredient is half an avocado. The second is a slice of a Granny Smith apple to add a little bit of tartness to the drink. Then, throw in some spinach.

Next, add some frozen berries. Research has shown that the freezing process helps to rupture the cellular walls of blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, making their antioxidants more bio-available so you can absorb them better. You can use any berries you like.


Now, add some kale. These dark leafy greens are fantastic for your liver, pancreas, and your blood sugar.

Then, we use a pinch of flax seeds. Flax seeds are loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and a type of fiber called lignins which really help your pancreas and blood sugar.

Add chia seeds and almonds. Chia seeds are another powerful source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignin fibers. Almonds are an important protein source and they also contain omega-3 fatty acids.

A little slice of beet does wonders for this drink! Beet is basically a superfood for your liver, helping your liver process blood sugar, and all kinds of toxins.


For liquids, you can use yogurt but we recommend kefir (remember to give it a good shake!). Kefir actually contains more healthy probiotics, live bacteria per ounce than yogurt does.

For the main liquid, use some coconut milk. Coconut milk is chock full of medium chain triglycerides which help your pancreas produce normal amounts of insulin, and reduce haemoglobin A1C.

Blend all the ingredients up to your desired consistency. Make sure it’s smooth, bright, and green. If you find the berries have made it a bit too purple, add more greens and blend again.

The greener you can make this drink, the better it will be to help lower your blood sugar and blood pressure. The best part about this super smoothie – it’s delicious!

Have one smoothie a day. It only takes four minutes to make! Take action and try this recipe for the next week. See how it makes you feel, what it does to your blood sugar levels, and how it helps your liver and your pancreas.

As always, do let us know your feedback!


Dr. Ryan Shelton NMD


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Thanks so much.





By Dr. Ryan Shelton

Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.D.
Zenith Labs®



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