Heart & Lung Health, Mind & Body

I Stopped Drinking Coffee For 30 Days (THIS HAPPENED!)

Dr. Ryan Shelton Headshot
By Dr. Ryan Shelton, NMD

There are many known benefits of drinking coffee. You get more energy, increased focus, and it may even help you to complete tasks. Some people can drink a pot or two pots a day and get away with it, but there are also those of us who do not process caffeine very well and can only have a cup a day. Now and again, we all need a detox from caffeine. But what actually happens to your body when you decide to take a break from coffee? What happens when you stop drinking coffee for 30 days?

Here’s What Happens When You Stop Drinking Coffee

woman with headache sitting on a couch holding her head in her hands

One of the first thing that happens when you stop drinking coffee is getting a withdrawal headache. This is an initial headache that occurs because you’re simply withdrawing from a chemical – caffeine.

How can you counter this? Firstly, you can try taking a herb called Eleutherococcus. Eleutherococcus is a type of ginseng that has been shown in studies to help alleviate, or at least release and reduce the chances of getting that withdrawal headache from caffeine.

Secondly, you can take an all-natural amino acid called L-theanine. L-theanine increases alpha brain waves, giving you energy, focus, and calm. Taking a combination of Eleutherococcus and L-theanine for 30 days will help you come off caffeine quite easily.

dramatic picture of a human brain

We’ve worked with pharmacists and researchers to develop a supplement called “Meditation in a Bottle” that contains L-theanine, Eleutherococcus, as well as other herbs.

It’s a really powerful formula that helps with stress, energy, mood, and focus.

We’re really proud of it, and patients’ feedback has been amazing so far. Please write in with your comments, suggestions about other things that you want to learn. This is a channel dedicated to your health and your wellness.


Dr Ryan Shelton

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I’m Dr. Ryan Shelton, and I’m here to teach and educate you each and every week. Thanks so much.

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By Dr. Ryan Shelton

Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.D.
Zenith Labs®



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