If you’ve watched any network news channel over the past few years, you know that scientists and researchers have attributed chronic disease with chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation contributes to most of the modern day maladies or ailments, including Alzheimer’s, mood disorders, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, the list goes on and on. You need to control chronic inflammation if you want to prevent, if not reverse, some of these chronic ailments.
What Contributes to Chronic Inflammation?
Simply put, one of the most contributing factors to chronic inflammation is a simple three-letter word: fat. Controlling the amount of fat in your body is a way to reduce chronic inflammation in your body. There are a few different types of fats in your body to look out for.
Firstly, the visible fats you can see in the mirror. We used to think that fat cells were just an inner, benign reservoir to store extra calories. They looked a bit unseemly and gross in a mirror, but they were generally there to store energy. Research has actually shown that this is not true, and that these fat cells are actually active organs. Fat cells produce over 80 different types of proteins and other highly active chemicals that promote inflammation in your body. The good news is, when you lose weight and the visible fat you see in the mirror disappears, you can curb the inflammation happening in your body.
Secondly, you also need to be aware of the fats that you can’t actually see. Every cell in your body has a membrane, and within that membrane is a type of fatty acid called “arachidonic acid”. Arachidonic acid is meant to protect us, but it can go overboard and promote inflammation. Arachidonic acid produces a series of chemicals in the body called “prostaglandins” and “leukotrienes”. Some of these chemicals are anti-inflammatory, but there are pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes too.
Here’s the secret: If you are consuming adequate healthy amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, then the type of prostaglandins and leukotrienes produced in your body are anti-inflammatory rather than pro-inflammatory. As long as you eat these healthy fats, you can lower the level of pro-inflammatory chemicals in your body.
How to Reduce Chronic Inflammation
One of the best ways to reduce chronic inflammation is to eat foods high in essential fatty acids. These include:
- Avocados
- Nuts like walnuts, almonds, pistachios
- Chia seeds and flax seeds
- Olives
- Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, anchovies
By including these healthy fatty foods in your daily diet, you’ll change the pathway of how arachidonic acid is broken down, and can change the parameters of inflammation in your body.
We’ve actually created a program to help with weight loss, and a supplement to help with weight loss, called Trim-14. You can check them out to use as a weight loss option. We’ve also developed an essential fatty acid, Omega-3, 7, 9 + krill oil supplement, that contains high amounts of the essential fatty acids plus krill oil which helps with more effective absorption.
As always, we would love to hear from you! Let us know what your favorite type of healthy fatty food is, and how you manage chronic inflammation. Let us know what works for you or what doesn’t in the comments below so that together, we can win the battle with chronic inflammation.
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I believe in the original meaning of the word doctor, ‘docere’, which means teacher. I’m here to help educate you on how to take care of yourself in ways that you may not have heard of before, but that are effective. I always want to hear your ideas and feedback so be sure to leave me comments below!