Someone recently asked me, “Dr. Ryan, you’re so knowledgeable about health, wellness, and medicine. What do you do to treat your own family when they get sick?” The short answer is that I don’t. When anyone in my family gets sick, they go to the doctor just like everyone else. The long answer is that I do try to educate and inspire them, and because of that, my family is extraordinarily healthy.
Doctor Treating His Own Family
If you’ve read some of my other posts here on the blog, you may already know I have two small boys. I try to teach them that life is made up of your thoughts and internal images expressed to the extent you believe them. I also teach them to focus on positive thoughts and feelings. I know this sounds overly simplified, and that’s because it is.
As adults, we tend to complicate things, doubt our dreams, and fail to believe in ourselves. Sometimes we’re unclear about what we want and we’re inconsistent in how we go about achieving it. All of this slows us down or stops us from the health, wellness, and happiness we really want. The answer is always within ourselves, our genetics, and the decisions we make to move towards good health.
My boys were originally raised in Hawaii so they were always exposed to delicious tropical fruits, vegetables, fish, and other seafood. They’ve learned to eat whatever mom and dad eat, so their palates are extraordinary. They’ll happily eat fresh produce, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, and proteins. Maybe it’s because my wife and I are lucky, but maybe it’s because we inspire them to make good choices about how to take care of themselves. When it comes to snacks, my boys enjoy all kinds of healthy options. They’ll eat fruit salad, hummus and carrot sticks, apple slices with nut butters, and even nuts, seeds, and edamame.
Even though the boys consume a healthy diet, they still take three daily supplements. One is an omega fatty acid because research has shown that developing brains require essential fatty acids. They also take a multivitamin-mineral because some of the most common deficiencies in growing children are minerals like iron, magnesium, and zinc. The third supplement they take is probiotics because it’s important to influence healthy gut bacteria in children.
I’m blessed because both of my kids understand the importance of education and inspiration. When they get sick, they visit a doctor like anyone else. At the first signs of sniffles or stomach troubles, I may give them a herbal glyceride tincture to help boost their immune systems. The kids take great care of themselves though but eating a healthy diet and constantly playing to stay physically active. As young kids, they may not yet understand mindfulness and connectedness, but it is something we are starting to teach them because it creates happiness in life.
If you have kids in your family, I know it can sometimes be a struggle in terms of education and inspiration. There’s a lot to be mindful of including boosting their immune systems, expanding their palates, and making sure they’re constantly playing to avoid being sedentary. You can use the information here on the Zenith Labs website to learn how to create health and wellness in your life and the lives of your family members.
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I believe in the original meaning of the word doctor, ‘docere’, which means teacher. I’m here to help educate you on how to take care of yourself in ways that you may not have heard of before, but that are effective. I always want to hear your ideas and feedback so be sure to leave me comments below!