Many of us have problems with digestion, but we don’t talk about it. Health starts in the gut for so many reasons so digestion is key. Improving digestion is important not only to extract and absorb the healthy foods that you eat, but to improve your immune system. We’re about to reveal the key to improving your digestion.
Reasons for poor digestion
Now there are a lot of reasons for digestive complaints — stress, nutrient deficiencies, food allergies, or H pylori bacteria. Sometimes, it’s as simple as timing and chewing your food. One of the major culprits of poor digestion includes low hydrochloric acid in your stomach and low enzymes that are released from your pancreas and your liver. If you can do this one thing before every meal, you can improve your digestion dramatically. Get rid of the embarrassing gas and bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhea, and improve your immune system.
The key to improving digestion
So, the key to improving digestion is taking digestive enzymes. There are a number of reasons why the standard American diet causes poor digestion. Sometimes it’s an underlying condition, like diabetes or obesity, which will need to be addressed. But oftentimes, you can do something as simple as taking a digestive enzyme before each meal to help break down the food. You can eat the healthiest diet in the world, but if you’re not breaking down those nutrients and your body is not able to absorb them appropriately, then a healthy diet is not as helpful as you think.
Digestive enzymes include things like amylase, protease, lipase, phytase, cellulase, invertase, and maltase, which help to break down nutrients into the smallest pieces so that your intestines can absorb them.
If you have underlying conditions obviously they need to be addressed. We’ve actually developed a supplement containing these digestive enzymes combined with other ingredients like zinc, sodium alginate, slippery elm, marshmallow root, DGL, and berberine to help coat the stomach and help with issues like acid reflux. It also helps coat the intestines to improve absorption. It’s a combination of digestive enzymes and healing agents. Berberine is an herb that can help combat the negative effects of H pylori bacteria such as acid reflux, gastritis, gas, pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea, if you are able to absorb these nutrients, many of these digestive issues will go away.
The name of the supplement is True Digestion, and you should check it out. Taking these digestive enzymes before each and every meal can make a huge difference, and help relieve all kinds of GI complaints and improve the function of your immune system.
So I’m happy that you checked me out. Make sure you share this, you like this, you share it with your friends and loved ones who may also have problems with digestive complaints. Hit the bell, sign up for notifications. We post several times every week. And again, this is your channel to improve your health and wellness, and to achieve optimal health.
Thanks so much, I’m Dr. Ryan Shelton.