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People Who Defy Aging Take This (ALL NATURAL)

Dr. Ryan Shelton Headshot
By Dr. Ryan Shelton, NMD

Let’s talk about two ingredients that thousands of people around the world are using to defy the aging process: Resveratrol and Terminalia.


The Quest to Defy Aging

This search for everlasting youth and not aging is nothing new for human beings. In fact, it began in the very beginning at the dawn of civilization. I remember as an undergrad reading one of the first books ever published by humans called “The Epic of Gilgamesh”. Gilgamesh was an individual who was on a mission to try and find the secret to anti-aging and forever youth. And, it’s now evolved into a $50 billion-a-year industry.

About three decades ago, scientists really honed in on the metabolical, anatomical, and biochemical processes of how we age genetically, and they basically came up with three theories:

  1. Oxidation – This basically means wear and tear over time. The oxidation process just rusts the body away.
  2. Age – Age stands for “Advanced Glycosylated End-product”. So, over time, tissues and cells binding together make us age more quickly.
  3. Genetic pathways – Genetic and DNA pathways that individual cells can choose to take. One pathway is growth and reproduction, where a cell divides over and over again. The other pathway is protection and maintenance (i.e. anti-aging).

Depending on the cell, every cell in the body goes through about 50 to 60 divisions. During that process, your telomeres (the end of your DNA) shorten and continue to shorten with every division. Scientists have clearly shown that the shorter your telomeres get, the more likely it is that your cells and you age over time.

Natural Anti-Aging Ingredients: Resveratrol and Terminalia


A couple of important DNA and enzyme processes are involved with aging: sirtuin and TOR enzymes.

Sirtuin enzymes work to help increase the pathways of protection and maintenance. In fact, some studies have shown that a decrease in sirtuin activity decreases lifespan by 30 percent, whereas, an increase in sirtuin enzymes can increase lifespan by 50 percent. On the other hand, TOR enzymes stimulate cell growth and reproduction.

Resveratrol and Terminalia are two anti-aging ingredients used to affect these processes and address all of the three theories about aging.


Resveratrol is a very powerful antioxidant obtained by red wine and other antioxidant foods. But, in a refined form, resveratrol increases sirtuin enzymes, which help to increase the pathways of protection and maintenance. Resveratrol also works on something called the “TOR enzyme pathway” to decrease the pathway of growth from repair, and push it more towards protection and maintenance.


DNA shaped vines

Terminalia is an antioxidant in itself, but it increases the activity of the enzyme called “telomerase”, which can length the telomeres at the end of DNA and lengthen your lifespan. It also is an age blockade, so it blocks the aging process.


Longevity Activator

So, resveratrol and Terminalia are two really important ingredients that people are using around the world to defy the aging process. I’ve actually worked with some researchers and pharmacists to develop a product called Longevity Activator, which contains these two ingredients plus several others that work on these important theories of aging. You can try Longevity ActivaTOR risk-free for 30 days and see what a difference it makes!

I want your feedback after trying it. I want your ideas about more topics on anti-aging that you want to pursue to help your health and wellness.

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Dr. Ryan Shelton NMD

I’m really impressed with the feedback that we’ve been getting so far. I believe in the original meaning of the word doctor, which is docare, which means teacher.

So, I’m on the forefront, I’m on the vanguard to make sure that you have the information you need to live a happy, longer life.

Thanks so much. I’m Dr. Ryan Shelton.


By Dr. Ryan Shelton

Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.D.
Zenith Labs®



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